Take the Right Career Assessment Test


Last Updated: August 29, 2022
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Why Take a Career Test?

How will you, in your teens, decide what you’ll excel at as an adult? Sure, it was a lot easier back in the day with a handful of choices, but you live ‘here’, ‘now’, in the age of the world wide web, with options multifold. You have over 12,000 career options to choose from, and automation might even make some of them obsolete! Your parents can’t help you; they, too, are grappling with changing times and technologies. Society can advise and steer you in a hundred different directions, but they don’t know better either. How, then, do you choose a career that you truly enjoy and that pays off? That’s where a career guidance test comes in handy! A professional career test can be a career aptitude test or a career psychometric test that scientifically analyses your interests, personality and abilities to guide you towards the right career path.


What Should You Look For in a Career Assessment Test?

A random Google search for ‘career guidance’ will lead you to a thousand career guidance tests, in particular, career aptitude tests. You’ve probably taken one in school; it tells you what you’ll be good at. A career aptitude test will evaluate your skills to come to a conclusion, but what about your interests? You may be excellent with numbers, but passionate about painting. An aptitude test will give you a list of finance careers, and you might just take one up. But if your heart lies in painting, you’ll be disappointed with your financial job. However, if the test offered you painting as an option, you would work harder to get better, and a few years down the line, you’d be happy you chose your true calling. This is why it’s important to choose a career guidance test that measures your interests as well as your abilities. The Mentoria career test is a psychometric career assessment that has been created by some of the top psychologists and psychometricians in India, and offers a reliability of 85%, which is the highest reliability for any career test in the country. 85% reliability suggests that 85% of the people who took the test found the results to be accurate.

Think big

Wait, There’s More!

If you’re looking for psychometric assessments for career guidance online, you will find several options – some free and some paid. While the free versions may seem appealing at first, it’s important to note that these free versions would simply be copies of other tests abroad, and may not be designed for an Indian audience. Additionally, the results are left entirely up to you to interpret. What if you didn’t interpret a question correctly? How will you validate if the results are actually aligned with your interests? Paid tests are often created for a specific audience and involve guidance from an expert to help you make the right decision. For instance, after you complete the Mentoria career test, your results will only be shared with you during your career counselling session with an experienced psychologist. The psychologist or career coach will take you through your assessment results, validate the outcomes with real-life examples and only then recommend careers you will enjoy and excel at. 

Take the Mentoria assessment test- a holistic test – to find a career best suited for you depending on your interests, personality and ability! 

Balance heart or brain

Which Test To Go For?

Holistic psychometric assessments keep your interests, personality and abilities in mind while telling you the career path you’re naturally inclined towards, guiding you towards a more fulfilling journey.

Says Chhandashree Dua, Mentoria’s Psychometric and Counsellor Quality Head, “We all have our innate strengths and weaknesses. Interest is linked to prolonged attention and perseverance. We are likely to put in more efforts to master something we may not be good at, only if it ‘interests’ us.” Psychometric assessments that rely heavily on interests and personality, while also being guided by ability, are far more relevant in helping you choose a career path. This means all factors are taken into consideration before recommending what you would ‘enjoy doing’ for the rest of your life.

Take Your Career Aptitude Test with Mentoria

If you’ve already figured out what you want to do, that’s wonderful! Take the test anyway to be sure you’ve made the right choice. If not, take the test to finally put those questions to rest and give your mind some clarity on what it should look forward to in the years to come.

Discover your future career path with Mentoria. Our 4-step career guidance solution helps us find the right career fit for you from 3 streams, 850+ courses & 12,000+ careers. Find out how Mentoria helps you on your journey here: