What Do You Look For in a Job & Job Search Tips


Last Updated: September 7, 2022
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Introduction – Switching Jobs

Has the thought of leaving your job been plaguing your mind lately? We’ll be honest with you, it’s a big decision. You need to take into consideration the time you put in, the company’s brand value, your financial situation, and much more. But, if you think it’s time for you to move on from this job, it’s best if you do it the right way. To help you with that, we’ve come up with eight things that you should definitely consider while looking for a new job.

We at Mentoria know that the career journey is anything but straightforward. That’s why we offer career counselling at any point during your career. Our 4-step career guidance solution, helps us find the right career fit for you from 3 streams, 850+ courses & 12,000+ careers. Discover more here:


1. Are You Sure About Leaving?


More often than not, a lot of the issues you have with your job can be fixed within the organisation. If you’re looking for a new job role, you could always ask for a switch in departments. Or, if you feel like you deserve a raise, talk to your managers about it and share your reasons with them. Having said that, you could have other reasons like if your job no longer excites you, or if it doesn’t bring new challenges. Or the simple fact that your job doesn’t make you happy. It is important that you have a good reason to leave, so you don’t regret it.

2. What to Look For in a Job


Do you already have a prospective job in hand or will you be looking out for a job after you leave? Make a list of companies you’d like to join. If you are not sure where you want to go next,  get in touch with us. Our psychometric assessment helps you figure out the best career options for you based on your interests, your abilities, and your overall personality. We also have a team of trained and qualified counsellors who can guide you in the right direction.

3. Don’t Just up and Leave


Make sure you keep your managers posted about your decision. And while it is understandable that you’re excited about your new job, don’t let it get in the way of your day-to-day tasks. You should serve your notice period and complete your handover properly, so that your transition goes smoothly; for you and the company. Also, if you leave on a professional note, your company won’t mind putting in a good word for you at your next job.

4. Work on Your CV

Resume CV

If it has been a while since you’ve updated your CV, make sure it highlights your accomplishments and experiences. Especially those that complement the job you’re applying to. The best way to go about it is to create a functional CV. Also, don’t forget to submit a cover letter along with your CV. Cover letters are unique, and therefore help set you apart from the other applicants

Mentoria helps you navigate through career crossroads with ease. Talk to our career counsellors to get personalized step-by-step guidance for your future career path. 

5. Make Sure You’re Visible on All Platforms


Most employers look for their applicants on LinkedIn. So, make sure that your profile is up-to-date. Also, while most of us don’t think much of it, companies do tend to look up their potential employees on social media. So, it is best to ensure that you’re making the right impressions. Once you’re done prepping, you can start applying for jobs. Try job portals and reply to advertisements you see in newspapers and on social media. If you have a company in mind, you can go to the careers section on their website to figure out which roles you can apply for and how you can get in touch. Alternatively, you could do it the old-fashioned way –  drop-in your CV and cover letter at their front desk.

6. Get Help from People in Your Social Circle

Connect with people

You never know where an opportunity may arise. So, put yourself out there. Get in touch with your former colleagues, and let them know you’re looking for a change. You can also pass your CV along to your friends and family, and ask them to share it with their HR teams, or people in their social circle. And while you may find it a little awkward, it is okay to contact your previous bosses and ask them if they know of any job opportunities (provided you’ve left on a good note).

7. Prepare for the Interview


The first thing you should do is to make sure you have read up all you can about your potential employers beforehand. They will most likely want to know why you chose them. And always expect the “why are you leaving your current job” question. It’s best to answer this question honestly. This way, you can avoid having the same issues with your new job. Also, don’t just answer questions, ask some yourself. And lastly, to avoid any misunderstanding or future issues, make your expectations from the job clear during the first interview itself.

8. Do Not Lie

Don't lie

We can’t stress this hard enough. Employers always run a background check on their new employees, and your lies will catch up to you. So, avoid tweaking your resume to make yourself come off better, or fibbing about your accomplishments at previous jobs. Depending on the company’s policies, you may be fired without any prior notice.

9. Know When to Follow-Up, and When not to

Even if you’re highly qualified for the position and aced the interview, you could be left waiting for days with no response. It’s normal to want to follow up right away when things like these happen. However, because the average wait period for a job interview is up to 5 days, if you haven’t heard back from the company after five business days, you can follow up with them.

10. Always Ask for Feedback

Asking for feedback after an interview has a number of advantages, ranging from increased self-awareness to future opportunities. It will help you see which areas of your application were the most successful and where you can improve. You may not notice every detail of your interview and having an outsider’s perspective from someone who witnessed and reviewed your interview can help you better understand how others perceive you during the process.

Once you know what you want, the process of finding a job becomes easier. But, if you’re still trying to figure out what it is you’re looking for, we can help you make the right switch.

Kick-start your career discovery journey with Mentoria & be sure to find the right career fit for you. Our 4-step career guidance solution, helps us find the right career fit for you from 3 streams, 850+ courses & 12,000+ careers.