Here’s What You Need To Know About Becoming A Real Estate Consultant In 2024

Komal Sharma

Last Updated: June 13, 2024
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You’ve wondered what it would be like to get into the real estate consultant business but don’t know where to start. You want the freedom to set your own hours and be your own boss. Maybe you’ve heard real estate consultants make good money and have flexible schedules. If real estate consulting sounds interesting but you don’t have experience, don’t worry. This complete guide will show you how to get into the profitable field of real estate consulting in 2024. Since the market is always changing, you need the most up-to-date information to succeed. We’ll explain what real estate consultants do, their roles and responsibilities, different types of consultants, and the skills you need. Whether you’re just starting out or want to grow your existing business, this guide has everything you need to become a successful real estate consultant this year. Get ready to start your new career in 2024.

Who Is A Real Estate Consultant 

A residential neighborhood with numerous houses, showcasing a vibrant community and a sense of belonging.

A real estate consultant is like a property expert who helps people buy, sell, or rent homes, land, or commercial spaces. They know a lot about the real estate market and use this knowledge to guide their clients.

For example, let’s say a family wants to buy a new house. They might go to a real estate consultant for help. The consultant would ask about their budget, the type of house they want, and the location. Then, they would search for houses that fit these criteria and show them to the family. The consultant might also help with negotiations and paperwork when the family decides on a house.

Real estate consultants can also work with businesses. For instance, a company looking to open a new office might consult with a real estate consultant to find the right location and space for their needs. In simple terms, a real estate consultant is like a friendly expert who helps people find the perfect place to call home or set up shop. 

Roles And Responsibilities Of A Real Estate Consultant

real estate consultant showcasing homes to the couple


  • Market Knowledge: A real estate consultant keeps up-to-date with the latest trends, developments, and prices in the local real estate market. They understand factors like supply and demand, economic conditions, and neighbourhood dynamics that can impact property values.
  • Client Guidance: Real estate consultants work closely with clients to understand their needs, preferences, and financial goals. They guide the buying, selling, or renting process, helping clients make well-informed decisions that align with their objectives.
  • Property Valuation: Real estate consultants utilise their expertise and market knowledge to assess the value of properties. They consider multiple factors like location, size, condition, comparable sales, and market conditions to establish a fair and precise valuation.
  • Legal Support: Real estate transactions involve complex legal aspects, including contracts, disclosures, regulations, and potential liabilities. Consultants offer valuable advice and assistance to ensure that clients understand their rights and obligations, comply with legal requirements, and smoothly navigate any potential legal issues.
  • Investment Advice: For clients interested in real estate investment opportunities, consultants provide strategic advice and analysis. They assess potential properties for their investment potential, considering factors like rental income, appreciation potential, financing options, and risk management strategies.
  • Negotiation: Real estate consultants are skilled negotiators who represent their client’s interests. Whether working with buyers or sellers, their goal is to secure the best possible terms and conditions for their clients. This involves negotiating price, sale terms, contingencies, and other important aspects of the transaction to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Skills Required For A Real Estate Consultant 

Three individuals collaborating on a blueprint, discussing and planning together.

Networking Skills

Successful real estate consultants often have strong networking skills, allowing them to build relationships with other professionals in the industry, such as real estate agents, brokers, attorneys, and lenders. Networking can help consultants access valuable resources and information, as well as generate leads and referrals.


In some situations, creativity can be a valuable skill for real estate consultants. For example, when marketing a property, consultants may need to come up with creative ideas to attract potential buyers or tenants. They may also need to think creatively to find solutions to unique challenges that arise during transactions.

Emotional Intelligence

Real estate transactions can be emotionally charged for clients. Consultants with high emotional intelligence can effectively empathise with clients, understand their feelings and concerns, and provide support and reassurance throughout the process.

Technology Proficiency

In today’s digital age, real estate consultants who are proficient with technology tools and platforms can gain a competitive edge. Skills such as using real estate software for market analysis, virtual tours, and digital marketing can enhance their effectiveness and efficiency.


The real estate market is always evolving, and consultants must be flexible to stay ahead. They should be able to swiftly adapt their strategies and approaches according to market trends, client requirements, and regulatory modifications.

Ethical Standards

Real estate consultants must maintain a strong commitment to ethical principles in their profession. This entails being truthful, trustworthy, and open in every interaction with clients and all individuals engaged in transactions.

Financial Acumen

Real estate consultants can greatly benefit from grasping fundamental financial principles like return on investment, cash flow analysis, and mortgage calculations. This understanding empowers them to offer valuable financial guidance to clients when it comes to their real estate transactions.

Financial acumen is a crucial skill for real estate consultants, as it involves understanding and managing financial aspects related to real estate transactions. Here’s a detailed explanation of why financial acumen is important and how it should be applied:

  • Understanding Financial Concepts: Real estate consultants should have a solid grasp of financial concepts such as ROI (Return on Investment), NPV (Net Present Value), and cash flow analysis. This understanding helps them evaluate investment opportunities and provide valuable advice to clients.
  • Budgeting and Planning: Consultants need to help clients create realistic budgets and financial plans for their real estate projects. This involves analysing costs, estimating revenues, and ensuring that the financial aspects of the project are feasible.
  • Risk Management: Real estate investments carry certain risks, like market changes and unforeseen costs. Consultants who possess solid financial knowledge can recognise these risks and create plans to minimise them, guaranteeing that clients are well-informed when making decisions.
  • Negotiation: Negotiating deals is a key part of a real estate consultant’s job. A good understanding of financial concepts allows consultants to negotiate effectively, ensuring that their clients get the best possible deal.
  • Ethical Considerations: Financial acumen should also be accompanied by ethical behaviour. Consultants should always act in the best interests of their clients, providing honest and transparent advice, even if it means losing a deal.
  • Continuous Learning: Consultants in the real estate market must always be learning and growing to keep up with the ever-changing financial trends and regulations.

Real estate consultants must possess financial expertise in order to comprehend, evaluate, and handle the monetary components of real estate deals. By honing this ability, consultants can offer valuable perspectives and advice to their clients, assisting them in making well-informed choices and attaining their real estate objectives.

Types Of Real Estate Consultant 

A key hanging on a door handle, symbolizing access or security.

Residential Real Estate Consultants

  • Services Offered: Assist individuals and families in buying, selling, or renting homes.
  • Client Focus: Primarily cater to those seeking residential properties for personal use or investment.
  • Salary: INR 2,00,000-8,00,000 annually

Commercial Real Estate Consultants

  • Scope of Work: Help businesses with purchasing, selling, or renting commercial properties such as office spaces or retail stores.
  • Expertise: Specialise in understanding commercial property needs and market trends.
  • Salary: INR 3,00,000-15,00,000 annually 

Investment Real Estate Consultants

  • Clientele: Assist investors in buying, selling, or managing income-generating properties such as rental apartments or office buildings.
  • Focus Area: Specialise in maximising returns on real estate investments.
  • Salary: INR 3,00,000-20,00,000 annually 

Property Management Consultants

  • Responsibilities: Oversee day-to-day operations of rental properties, including tenant management and maintenance.
  • Client Base: Serve property owners looking to maximise returns and minimise hassles.
  • Salary: INR 2,00,000-10,00,000 annually 

Real Estate Development Consultants

  • Project Scope: Assist with planning, financing, and executing real estate development projects.
  • Expertise: Specialise in navigating the complexities of development regulations and market dynamics.
  • Salary: INR 3,00,000- 20,00,000 annually 

Real Estate Marketing Consultants

  • Promotional Strategies: Specialise in promoting properties for sale or lease using targeted marketing techniques.
  • Market Insight: Provide valuable insights into market trends and buyer preferences.
  • Salary: INR 2,00,000- 12,00,000 annually 

Real Estate Legal Consultants

  • Legal Advisory: Provide legal advice and services related to real estate transactions.
  • Risk Management: Assist clients in mitigating legal risks associated with real estate deals.
  • Salary: INR 3,00,000-15,00,000 annually 

Trends And Scope 

Picture of Beautiful house

The real estate industry is known as the second-largest job creator in India. It is predicted to contribute 13% of the country’s GDP by 2025. Careers in real estate offer a diverse range of opportunities and are consistently in high demand. Moreover, real estate jobs are among the most lucrative professions out there.

It holds immense promise and presents a vast opportunity for expansion and progress. It plays a vital role in the nation’s economy, making a substantial contribution to the GDP and creating job prospects for millions. Projections indicate that India’s real estate sector could hit $1 trillion by 2030, underscoring the industry’s potential and breadth within the country. Numerous factors combine to shape the favourable outlook for the real estate business in India.

  • Growing Population: India’s population is projected to hit 1.7 billion by 2050, resulting in a surge in the need for housing and commercial properties.
  • Rapid Urbanisation: India is going through a fast urbanisation process, as many people are leaving rural areas to live in cities. This shift has caused a rise in the need for housing and business spaces, opening up chances for real estate developers and investors.
  • The Middle Class’s Expansion: The increase in the number of middle-class individuals has led to a higher need for inexpensive housing and better infrastructure. Developers in the real estate industry can cater to this group by offering affordable housing choices.
  • Government Initiatives: The Indian government has taken substantial measures to uplift the real estate sector in the country. They have introduced various initiatives and policies such as affordable housing schemes, the Smart Cities Mission, and enticing incentives for real estate development. These efforts have provided a significant boost to the real estate industry in India.
  • Foreign Investment: India’s real estate sector has been receiving increased foreign investment due to the country’s economic growth and promising investment returns.
  • Commercial Real Estate Demand: The expansion of businesses and industries has led to an increased need for commercial properties, like office spaces, shopping malls, and industrial buildings.
  • Infrastructure Progress: Enhancements in infrastructure, like transportation and connectivity, have unlocked fresh investment prospects in up-and-coming regions.

Build A Thriving Career As A Real Estate Consultant

If you’re someone who loves a challenge and enjoys being competitive, a career in real estate might be just what you need. However, it’s important to remember that it takes time and commitment to establish your business and grasp the ins and outs of the industry. Even if you prefer working independently, starting with a real estate firm could have its advantages. No matter which path you choose, the key is to stay flexible and always have a thirst for knowledge about this dynamic market.

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