Questions to Ask Your Career Counsellor and Make the Most of Your Session


Last Updated: March 8, 2023
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How do you go about choosing the right career for yourself when you have so many options, so many ways, and so many fields? Sounds overwhelming! Times are changing and new jobs are being introduced almost every single day. It is impossible for you to be updated with the trends regularly. So how do you even identify your passion and a career that meets your passion and also makes you money? You don’t want to end up with the regret of being great at something and not pursuing it because you were unaware of the sector. 

We have all heard ourselves say “Kaash Yeh Pehle Malum Hota”. It sounds difficult but choosing a career is one of the most important life decisions you could make. Making the wrong choice might cause stress and dissatisfaction with your career or profession. Now, of course, you can switch fields if things don’t work out eventually, but why would you waste years struggling, only to find out there was something better waiting for you?

And that’s where career counsellors come into action. 



At some point in your career, you may encounter situations where you feel uncertain or at a standstill in terms of what actions to take. When that happens, career counselling may be able to reduce some of your stress and provide you some. Having a professional on your side never hurts, whether you’re trying to land a job, update your resume, sharpen your interviewing techniques, or simply develop your career. 

Even after you find a great counsellor for yourself, it can be difficult to make sure both your ideas and thoughts are on the same page. Don’t you worry, because we’ll walk you through on how to make the most of your career counselling session so you don’t end up wasting time.

Make the Best Use of Career Counselling

Once you have found a good counsellor either through a peer or based on reviews online, all you need to do is to make the most of these sessions with your counsellor and ask the right questions. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Gain Clarity 

It’s important to be clear about what you hope to gain from working with a career coach. You can drill down into the details with a career counsellor, but you can save time by planning ahead. Do you desire a position that will make you feel more content?  A career that offers a clear route upward? A more powerful feeling of leadership to improve as a manager? What do you ultimately hope to take out from this? Once you have a better idea of that, you can move ahead.

  • Share Your Expectations

Now that you are more aware of what you want, you need to convey this to the counsellor; they won’t be able to meet your expectations if you don’t let them know.

Be honest even if you are unclear of your precise needs. For instance, you can be unsure of whether you require a new career or a new job in the same field. Ask for help in solving it.

  • Do Your Part

Being on time can help you get the most out of your session. Most likely, the counsellor won’t be able to meet with you after the scheduled appointment time.

Express to your coach what you’re going through. After all, career counselling sessions provide you with a secure environment where you can share your struggles.


  • Don’t expect them to do all the work

A counsellor can’t just hand you the job offer you’ve been waiting for or just snap their fingers and get you the promotion you’ve been after.

Be wary of anyone who claims they can tell you what career is best for you because not even the most educated career counsellor can do that. A career decision requires a process of self-evaluation and investigation. It is the responsibility of the career counsellor to use the data acquired during your sessions, such as your interests, values relevant to your line of work, aptitude, and personality type, to assist you in determining which professions are a good fit, after which you will have to put in work too.


  • Try Things Out And Evaluate

While you are not required to take your counsellor’s advice in full, neglecting to do so will result in time and money wasted. Ask yourself why you are not acting on the counsellor’s advice. Are you just being lazy or are you afraid of making a change? Or do you think the advice is misleading?  Ask yourself periodically if you are progressing at an acceptable rate and if career coaching is yielding the results you were hoping for.

By the end of this process, we are sure you will have gain better clarity than when you first started career counselling. However, in between, you will have a cloud of doubts and questions. But to give you a better idea, here is a list of questions you can ask your counsellor to gain the best from the session! 

Here’s What You Can Ask Your Counsellor During a Career Counselling Session

Sometimes, you may simply require some career clarity before making a choice. Ask these questions without feeling foolish, even though some of the answers may seem obvious and unsophisticated. You’d still want an expert perspective on the matter.

1. What can I do with my major?

It may seem clear to some what the answer to this query looks like, but it never hurts to have it told again. The flexibility and transferable skills that a majority of degrees can provide may surprise you. Not all psychology majors become psychologists; some go into marketing, public relations, or human resources, for instance. It’s best to be aware of your possibilities right away.

2. What does the current job market look like in my industry?

The resources that career counsellors have access to can be useful for you while choosing a career. You might also ask about the kinds of occupations for which your current major qualifies you. Majoring in one area of study might occasionally have advantages in related fields. You can increase your chances of finding work after graduation by analysing job outlooks and anticipated industry demand right now.

3. Where can I find a job/internship in my field?

This needs to be one of your go-to inquiries if you’re looking for job guidance. Opportunities may be offered through your career services centre, but each college offers unique on-campus and online resources. Inquire about these resources from your career counsellors, such as campus organisations for community service, internships, volunteer opportunities, or even career-related instructional materials.

4. How should I write my resume and cover letter?

There are several approaches to taking with your cover letter and resume depending on the career you’re pursuing and your experience. Additionally, a CV serves as the employer’s first impression of you, making this a crucial skill to master. Request a review and comment from your career counsellor on your CV. They may also suggest other experiences or skills for you to list.

options in career counselling

5. How can I build on my strengths?

Identifying your professional skills is one of the first steps in capitalising on your advantages. Your counsellor could assist you in expressing your abilities in interviews if you’re looking for work. 

Skills in communication, problem-solving, teamwork, interpersonal relations, and technical expertise are only a few examples of strengths. You might find your strengths with the aid of your career advisor. To develop these strengths and pursue a profession of your interest, you can then collaborate to determine the precise measures you can take.

6. What steps can I take to address my weaknesses and enhance my skills and abilities?

Everyone has weaknesses, and it is totally acceptable to admit them. Discussing the exact measures you are doing to overcome your problems is more crucial. This could involve attending a technology class to sharpen your computer skills or using an online calendar to organise your time better.

You can learn how to use this question to show self-awareness and advancement toward your professional objectives with the aid of your career counsellor.

7. How can I make myself stand out against competitors?

When applying for jobs, your career counsellor can help you refine your interviewing techniques and format your resume to make a strong first impression. They might advise you to highlight industry-specific talents on your CV, adjust it to the position, use your networking skills, and write a strong aim statement. Take advantage of this to learn how you can stand out from your competitors.


8. How can I improve my online presence?

Consult with an expert to make sure your online presence is approachable and professional rather than assuming what potential employers want to see on your social network. A strong online profile on websites like LinkedIn will help you get better internships, employment, and other opportunities.

9. What are some effective strategies for networking in today’s digital age?

It’s never too early to start networking, which is a crucial component of most careers. Nowadays, networking can be difficult because so many academic programmes take place online. Your career counsellor could be able to help you come up with solutions if your current circumstances make it difficult for you to network in your field.

10. When can I schedule my next appointment?

It might be beneficial to learn what your career counsellor wants you to concentrate on up to your next appointment if you intend to meet with them again. Their suggestion can differ depending on what you worked on throughout your previous season. Expecting to advance significantly in your job overnight is unrealistic. To ensure a smooth transition into employment, make it a practice to consult with someone you can rely on to provide sound guidance.

Get Career Ready With Mentoria!

If you are convinced that a counsellor can help you sail your boat and are still looking for a good counsellor, guess what? You are in the right place! Mentoria is an online career guidance and mentorship platform that enables students and working professionals to discover themselves and the courses and careers right for them!

Kick-start your career discovery journey with Mentoria & be sure to find the right career fit for you. Our 4-step career guidance solution, helps us find the perfect career for you from 3 streams, 850+ courses & 12,000+ careers.