How To Introduce Yourself As The New Manager

Komal Sharma

Last Updated: January 5, 2024
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Integrating a new position within a company, as a manager, is not always easy. Indeed, taking up a position can be tricky, because you will not only have to introduce yourself to your team but also do your best to make a good impression. It is then strategic to determine in advance how to introduce yourself to your new team. In this article, we’ll give you some tips that will come in handy when meeting your team for the first time, then we’ll tell you why the first impression is important and what you can do to make it a positive one.

What Type Of Boss Do You Aim To Become

A group of business professionals smiling and posing for a photo, showcasing teamwork and professionalism.

If you have been promoted at work and it is the first time that you are a boss, in addition to having defined what is expected of you in this position, one of the most important questions is to think about what type of boss you would like to be. There are many types of leaders and each of them has certain characteristics like The best leaders are able to inspire, encourage, and guide a team of workers and a business toward success. While some leaders might only care about their personal success, whether some others are enthusiastic and motivated to see their team members and business succeed or some arrogant boss who claims credit for your hard work or some meticulous perfectionist that demands that you redo everything you just finished twice. Focus on exercising your leadership in a clear, firm, professional, and fair manner.

Mastering The Art Of Team Introductions: Tips For New Managers

Meeting the team is one of the tasks that can make you the most nervous. To avoid this, we recommend that you rehearse a friendly and approachable presentation, introducing yourself as a manager, colleague, and person with whom you can work as a team. In your presentation as a leader, do not forget to show respect, humility, and active listening.

Is this your first time as a manager? Your new role as a leader must have several lines of action marked, but one of them, if not the most important, is that each member of your team sees you as an ally.

Managers must show their teams a professional image which includes the way of dressing, expressing and communicating and there must be congruence between physical appearance, what is said and how one acts. If it looks hard at first, all you need to know is how to do it. You will find the following advice useful.

Choice Of Speech For The First Day Of Work As A Manager 

The first step to calmly approaching your first day as a boss is to introduce yourself. The first step in introducing yourself as a new boss is to make a good impression. This means behaving professionally and showing enthusiasm for your work. Establishing a relationship of respect and trust with employees is key to success in the position. 

You must have your first speech as a team leader prepared, mention the objectives, and how you plan to work, and address topics that motivate the workers.

Don’t forget to give your turn to speak and let them ask you questions to get to know you better. Being a manager or team leader is not easy and therefore, the more you prepare, the better.

Be punctual, plan and organise all your ideas. This way you can make a list of tasks, see what has to be done in the long term and short term, and set priorities together with your team, as well as objectives and goals.

Give Prominence To Team Members

Two women sitting at a table, engrossed in a notebook, discussing and brainstorming ideas.

On the first day as a manager or boss, you will have a meeting to present your new professional role, your nerves will be on edge, but try to take advantage of the opportunity and be natural, and approachable.

Focus on getting to know team members, and show interest. You must be aware that now you are not only responsible for yourself, but for perhaps between 6 and 12 people who make up a work team and for the results you produce.

Lay The Foundations In Communication

If you doubt how to be a good group leader, remember to prioritise communication, and feedback and show as a manager that you are happy with your workers. This way you will work on motivation and your team will know the perspective you have of each of them and what you expect.

Working on manager-employee communication can be enhanced through a variety of strategies, including weekly meetings, frequent one-on-one meetings, information sharing, getting to know your manager, using communication tools, and soliciting and providing feedback. This is another easy tip to help you survive your first day as a manager and the ones that follow. Also consider a number of techniques to improve patience, communicate clearly, define goals, and fulfil what was promised and spoken at meetings.

Delegate Work Efficiently

It is true that sometimes it is difficult to be aware of all the work at hand, and that this can take its toll on your team. To avoid this, make lists, use a task organiser to capture all the work and projects that are started, and learn to divide the workload among team members equally.

In the center of a word cloud lies the term "delegate,"

A good presentation from a manager should go hand in hand with a roadmap, as well as knowing the functions and strengths of each employee, as well as identifying those goals that can be improved.

Having the ability to manage a team with these tips and planning becomes a much simpler and more bearable challenge. 

Learn About The Company

Investigate the company further as soon as you accept the job offer. Knowing precisely what role you and the team you are leading need to play will be made possible by this. Nonetheless, refrain from searching for details about the team members. This could have an impact on future collaboration as you run the risk of entering the office with preconceived notions about some members.

Asking questions about your role and the goals, difficulties, and responsibilities of the company is a good place to start. Go to the company’s website to conduct an online search as well. By doing all of this, you can avoid coming across as ignorant to your team.

Dress Professionally

As you research the company, be sure to ask about its dress code. If you want to make a good impression, you must dress according to the prevailing style of dress in society. For example, it would be a shame if you dressed formally when the style adopted by the company is super casual. You risk appearing pretentious.

Gather The Team And Introduce Yourself

When you join a new company, your team members are the first people you should meet. So ask the team to come together so that you can introduce yourself properly by giving details about your qualifications, abilities, and work history. Employees will be able to see you as a trustworthy leader and learn more about you as a result.

It is important to make your presentation according to the company environment. Your approach should match the company culture and values. For a new manager in a team, the ideal is to introduce themselves by giving a certain amount of information about their experience and expectations.

For instance: “Hey everyone! I’m X, and I’m delighted to meet you. I’m your new manager. I used to work for Y for five years, during which time I was also manager. Despite having a great deal of experience in my field, I am unable to achieve excellent results on my own. For this reason, I need your complete cooperation as well as your professionalism. We can accomplish outstanding results if we understand the importance of working together as a team.”

Adopt The Right Attitude

The best way to create a strong, positive first impression is to greet your new team members with enthusiasm by Initiating a casual conversation, expressing excitement about working together, or by Offering assistance with onboarding tasks, showcasing a helpful and supportive attitude. Don’t be angry or unhappy. Instead, show your best smile and show your colleagues that you are happy to meet them. Even if team members are distant from you, be understanding and show that you want to connect.

Avoid Speaking Ill Of Your Predecessor

Your predecessor may have committed certain mistakes that are known to all. If this is the case, avoid commenting on them or reminding the team of them. Indeed, you were not hired for this purpose, but rather to help the company achieve its objectives. Additionally, if you speak badly about your predecessor, team members will resent it and may perceive it as completely gratuitous aggression. Under no circumstances will you be able to win their sympathy by discrediting your predecessor.

Don’t Criticise The Company

Don’t present yourself as the saviour who will solve all the company’s problems. Indeed, what was done before your arrival is in no way null and was done within the framework of well-defined objectives or strategies. So avoid criticising everything that was done before your arrival. You should also avoid criticising the company’s equipment. For example, don’t make comments like: “The furniture is really old here. 

Ask Questions

After your oral presentation, you can keep the conversation going by asking your colleagues questions. This may allow you to create a certain relationship. Above all, be sure to ask work-related questions. You will learn a little more about your new workplace and the challenges that await you there.

Listen To Others

Three women sitting on a couch, engrossed in their laptop, engaged in a discussion or work-related activity.

Don’t just burst in and start changing things without asking your colleagues for advice. You need to listen to others before speaking. Ask questions, if necessary, to get the opinions of others. By using this approach, you will be able to attract your employees. Indeed, they will appreciate the fact that you ask them for their opinion before making decisions.

Assume That You Are Starting A New Cycle

Certainly, your past participated in the construction of the person you are today, but that is not a reason to constantly bring it up. From your first meeting with your team, avoid talking too much about your old company or referring to it all the time. This could slow down your integration into the team. Also, avoid making comparisons between your old company and your new one. There may be things that went less well at your previous company. Either way, don’t complain and accept things as they are.

Throughout Your Presentation, Stay Authentic: 

Be yourself. Don’t try to pass yourself off as someone you’re not. On the contrary, you risk ruining everything. After this first meeting, try to obtain the company’s organisation chart to remember the name and position of each of your employees.

The Power Of First Impressions: Why They Matter In Every Interaction

When you meet someone for the first time, they get their first impression of you just by looking at you: it’s the first impression. To form this impression, people generally consider your clothing, your posture, your voice, and the words you use. 

For example, if you use chatty language, your interviewer will immediately think that you have no education And if you were applying for a job, it could very well work against you. In addition, people appreciate certain qualities such as honesty, kindness, empathy, and even respect.

If your appearance leaves something to be desired, your interviewer will give you little respect. And as popular belief goes, the first impression is often the last. If you make a bad impression from the start, you will have little chance of recovering; the members of your team will give you a label that may affect your future relationships and the respect that others will have for you. They might not even recognise your authority as a manager. The first impression is everything: it can define the course of your relationships with your colleagues.

Shaping First Impressions: Easy Ways To Make A Positive Impact

When someone first meets you, they pay attention to your appearance, your face, your posture, the tone of your voice, and the words you use. You can therefore influence a first impression by playing on these elements. If you want people to have a good impression of you from the start, follow these simple tips.

A woman wearing glasses holds a laptop, focusing on the screen with a determined expression.

Take Care Of Your Appearance

To make a good impression, take care of your appearance. You not only need to take care of your body, but also your wardrobe. Take up sport and maintain your body. This will show that you care about your health. Take care of your clothing by remaining simple, but elegant.

Take Care Of Your Face

It is also important to take care of your face. Go to the hairdresser, always have clean and styled hair. If you are a woman, avoid wearing too much makeup. Never have a closed face; instead, be happy and enthusiastic.

Adopt The Right Posture, Speak Clearly, And Choose Your Words

By adopting a good posture, you will show that you are confident in yourself. Avoid shaking or gesticulating for no reason. Always stand up straight. When you speak, don’t speak too loudly or too quietly. Your voice should be clear, crisp, and audible. It must not wobble under any circumstances. Choose your words carefully: avoid vulgarity and speak using a fluent, even sustained register.

Unveiling Your New Managerial Journey With Mentoria 

The first meeting with your new work team will undoubtedly strengthen or destroy your image in the eyes of your people.

Your success as a manager will largely depend on the quality of these first impressions in your first meeting with your people. Don’t miss the opportunity to prepare and develop it well.

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