Get Ahead In Your Career With These 10 Tips 

Komal Sharma

Last Updated: February 5, 2024
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Are you feeling stuck in your career? It’s a common experience for many people who have been in the same job for a long time. While others around you are moving forward, you may feel like you’re not progressing at all. Maybe no one in your organisation has been promoted in a while. But if you want to climb the career ladder and enjoy a higher salary and a new title, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. That’s why I’ve compiled some practical tips in this article to help you get that promotion you’ve been longing for.

Nurturing Your Talents For Growth

My first piece of professional development advice is to cultivate your talents, that is to say exercise and develop them. You will achieve this throughout your life if you have a growth mindset. So invest time and energy to acquire new skills and train yourself. This is by far the best way to continue to improve and boost your career. Invest in yourself, it’s the best investment you can make.

Business people celebrating success on pedestals.

In a company, there’s someone who loves personal growth. They’re always trying new things, learning from experiences, and finding ways to improve. They enjoy collaborating, sharing knowledge, and coming up with innovative solutions. What sets them apart is their ability to admit their mistakes and stand out from those who are too scared to take risks. They don’t aim for perfection, but instead embrace imperfections and learn from their flaws. They see challenges as opportunities for growth and constantly cultivate a growth mindset. Self-reflection is key in this process as it helps them understand themselves better. When they recognise their limitations, it fuels their determination to overcome them and reach new levels of success.

It is important to be mindful of the learning process and acknowledge even the smallest progress, rather than solely focusing on the end result. By doing so, we can eliminate self-limiting beliefs about our abilities and continuously strive towards our goals. Remember, as personal development coach Anthony Robbins says, that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in 1 year, but underestimate what they could achieve in 10 years.

Develop Your Ability To Innovate

We all encounter difficulties and obstacles in our professional lives. This is inevitable. Sometimes these negative events are just inconveniences, but sometimes they have a significant impact. It partly depends on how you position yourself: are you proactive or reactive. Let me explain. 

If you wait for a problem to arise before reacting, you are being reactive. It’s a way of doing things that many people share. However, it creates significant stress and adds additional challenges to your life.

On the other hand, if you take a proactive approach, you will have already prepared for the problem. You will therefore have had the time to think about it and consider possible solutions. The problem will be there in both cases, but you will face it with more serenity, because you will have the feeling of being in control of the situation.

A colorful wall covered in various posters. A vibrant mix of art, messages, and advertisements.

A proactive personality does not focus on problems, but on solutions. They seek to save time and move things forward by innovating. The idea is to always be one step ahead, whether in your sector of activity but also in your personal life.

Also surround yourself with proactive collaborators who want to stay ahead of the race. This will allow you to be aware of best practices in your field, because you will learn from the experiences of others. And they will also learn from you.

Take Responsibility At Work 

There is nothing worse than being bored at work and not finding any meaning in it. To make your days interesting, fulfilling and possibly consider a better job, you must first find new challenges in your current position. This will show your skills, your ambition and will be well received if you bring new ideas that are particularly useful to the company.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to torture your mind. For example, you can talk to your manager about your current responsibilities and find out if there are other projects you could get involved in. Also try to present new perspectives on solving problems that arise.

Choosing to take responsibility will add value to you and give meaning to your work. Creating your own challenges will also show your leadership skills. Ultimately, this may also lead you to a new, better-paid and more interesting position. Think about it.

A team of people collaborating on work, sitting around a table with their laptops.

That said, your goal should not be exclusively to impress your employer. Do it for you first. Because it is the image of yourself that is reflected in your work. By having this mindset, you are more inclined to continually improve.

Here is my advice: if you want to take control of your career, you must clearly state your professional, personal and even financial development objectives. This will give you a more realistic vision of the road ahead. Don’t be shy and banish passivity. Indeed, if you hate conflict, you may naturally adopt a passive behaviour and put the needs of others before your own. This is sometimes useful for maintaining good relationships, but it can only be a hindrance to your professional success.  

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence 

When Emotional Quotient began to be talked about in the 1980s, people were surprised to see how well it predicted personal and professional success. Some studies also show that people with an average intelligence quotient outperform higher IQs due to their emotional intelligence.

Suffice it to say that the emotional quotient has a huge impact on your career. When you have good emotional intelligence, you better understand your feelings and those of others. The relational bond is simply better. Not only have your communication skills improved, but also have social skills to decipher the emotions, behaviours and motivations of your interlocutor. This allows you to respond appropriately and successfully manage interactions.

Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of the book Emotional Intelligence, relates that employees with high emotional intelligence are not offended by criticism, but instead see it as an opportunity to improve their work.

Two yellow smiley faces in a box, radiating happiness and positivity. Spread the joy!

Still, according to this specialist, people who have high emotional intelligence are able to make their emotions work for them rather than against them. By knowing how to manage your emotions positively to reduce stress, communicate well with others, show empathy and overcome obstacles, you can build strong relationships, succeed in your profession and make informed decisions about the things that matter the most for you.

This skill set may be innate to some. But it can also be learned and developed through intentional practice. In other words, use your growth mindset and be open to improving your emotional intelligence. 

Sharpen Your Political Instincts

Why is this so important? Developing your political sense promotes relationships at work and strengthens mutual trust. In a broader sense, this means learning to become a better leader.

A leader knows how to trust and delegate responsibilities. A leader is a person with good political sense who encourages his colleagues to work cohesively to achieve a common goal.

You don’t become a successful leader with proven political skills overnight. But the good news is that you can get there with a little practice and consistency. 

To begin, practice mindfulness. Think about what you plan to say in any work situation. Controlling thoughts is essential; managers are more effective when they don’t give free rein to everything that crosses their mind.

Similarly, good communication and transparency are political skills to be developed. This means drawing attention to the problems encountered with frankness and honesty.

Next, a leader has strong social skills and knows how to interact effectively. To improve your political sense, observe different situations and try to interpret the meanings of each person’s behaviour.

Last point: a leader’s strategy is not to hand out business cards all the time. When you have good political savvy, you network little by little, with an emphasis on building meaningful business relationships. Networking is never one-sided. If you expect it to be, you’re not going to advance in your career. Being a politician means being comfortable with reciprocal professional relationships.    

Enhance Your Communication Skills

You spend a lot of time with your colleagues, so it is essential to establish good relationships with them. After all, team cohesion relies on mature working relationships.

Having positive professional relationships lays the foundation for your success. Because the role of each person in your company directly or indirectly affects your performance, it is important to maintain these relationships so that you can work in harmony with the team.

To improve your working relationships, help your colleagues whenever you can and engage in open and sincere communication with them. This helps to establish trust and to strengthen team spirit. And your professional life will be much more pleasant.

A pile of Scrabble tiles, ready for a wordy battle!

While it is very important to develop positive relationships with people in your sector, do not neglect those in other departments. Make sure you welcome diversity, both in cultures and ideas, by listening to what others have to say. Consider different points of view before making a decision and recognise that you can benefit from the experience of your colleagues. If the people you work with see that you appreciate them for what they bring to you, you will be more likely to have good relationships with them. “Liking people” could almost become one of the soft skills of a good leader.

Grow Your Leadership Skills

Some people are lucky enough to be born leaders, but if that’s not your case, don’t panic. Anyone can develop the necessary management skills with a little practice. Do you want to boost your career? You have to be ready to get to work!

A good manager must have rigorous discipline in their professional (and personal) life to be an effective leader and role model. Indeed, most people will judge your ability to lead on the exemplary nature you demonstrate at work.

To do this, always respect your word, deadlines, appointments and know how to end meetings on time. Furthermore, do not hesitate to take on more responsibilities and train yourself to develop your leadership skills. Stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to learn something new, and in doing so, you will be noticed by your company’s executives as being inclined to take initiative.

Leadership in white on black background. A powerful image symbolizing guidance, influence, and inspiration. #Leadership #Inspiration

A true leader has no problem listening to others. You should not feel threatened when someone disagrees with you, questions your thinking, or puts forward ideas that are personal to them. Keep an open mind and recognise everyone’s talents. If you learn to value and respect the other members of your team, they will be more likely to get to work for you.

Another important point: you have to know how to motivate the members of your team. Challenge people and encourage them frequently. At the same time, give them a clear vision of the objectives. Their motivation directly depends on the meaning they give to their work.

In summary, good leadership skills are essential to advancing your career, but as you can see, leadership is much more than just being in charge. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader,” so said the sixth president of the United States, John Quincy Adams.

Develop A Career Plan

If you want to develop your career, you need to develop a skills development plan, in other words a career plan. This will list the professional goals you hope to achieve and the paths you will take to get there. It should be a living document that adapts as you acquire new knowledge and skills.

Depending on your objectives, compile all possible information regarding:

  • Required Skills
  • Required knowledge
  • Job requirements
  • Technology requirements

Once you have gathered all this information, determine when and how you can acquire the skills necessary for your professional development. You may need to take evening or online classes. You can also participate in a seminar to improve your knowledge.

Decide how much time you want to invest in your professional development, as you need to balance your professional needs with your personal life. You must determine which activities have priority in terms of your available time.

Likewise, it’s a good idea to include a list of goals with realistic deadlines. As with most plans, execution is key to success. Make sure to follow it. You will not only improve your self-confidence, but also your career development opportunities.

Finally, take the time to update your LinkedIn profile and resume whenever you improve your skills.

Achieve Mobility Success

Sometimes work becomes frustrating, repetitive or even uninteresting. At that moment, you look with envy at the positions of some of your colleagues and begin to explore avenues that could lead you there. Perhaps one of your colleagues has already had such an experience? Following someone’s path is always easier than taking a new one.

Before taking a new direction in your professional career, start by finding out about the positions available in your company, and when they will expire. could become available and if there are other candidates. Gather as much information as possible about the new positions you are seeking. Are you sure it’s worth it? How long do you plan to stay there? What is the real reason for this demand for mobility? Ask yourself these questions and answer truthfully. 

Success written on a blackboard. Motivational message to go after your goals.

Before approaching a human resources person, talk to your manager first. If you leave your position, it can cause many problems regarding productivity, organisation and department scheduling. Simply ask how to make a career change within the company. Give concrete reasons why you want to change roles in your company and if it is possible to do so in the near future.

Be calm and confident. Your manager is supposed to take your side after this conversation and help you contact senior management, persuade them to give you a chance and prove that you are qualified enough. 

Sometimes, you will need to train to acquire the skills needed for the new position. In this case, you can use your rights to Personal Training Account.

Whatever the case, internal mobility is an opportunity to take on new challenges and relaunch your career.

Build Your Professional Network

People are naturally inclined to do business with people they know. Having a strong professional network helps you advance in your career in ways you couldn’t do alone. Professional networking therefore has two main advantages:

  • It’s a way to connect you with people who can help you improve your expertise, your knowledge and bring you new contacts.
  • It can help you stay on top of opportunities for advancement in your career.

A woman happily holds a tablet computer, radiating joy as she smiles at the screen.

In order to grow your network, you must be willing to step out of your routine and participate in professional events, which may seem uncomfortable at first. However, once you’ve done it a few times, not only will you get used to it, but you’ll strengthen your network as it grows. Actively seek out networking events in your area. If necessary, go with a colleague to give you more confidence.

You can also expand your network via social networks, for example LinkedIn. It is the most popular professional network and has an international reach. However, this remains virtual, and a meeting in real life or by video is often more fruitful.

Enhance Your Professional Skills

Ensuring your professional skills stay current in our ever-changing world is essential to your long-term success. Indeed, your training in no way ends with your diploma. Learning about new trends in your sector will help you be a good professional, progress in your career and facilitate your mobility. 

Everywhere in India you will find numerous seminars and conferences to keep you up to date with current events. Similarly, continued professional development can take the form of listening to qualitative podcasts or reading reference works. Also take advantage of the free time you have on public transport to continue training.

A woman with glasses confidently leading a group of people.

If you want to effectively develop your professional skills, there are three essential steps to follow:

  • Take training: Attend a workshop, take a course, read an article or book, observe someone who excels in a particular field.
  • Practice.
  • Get feedback: Assess your progress, identify areas in which you have improved and how much remains to be done.

You can also develop your professional skills and boost your career by following online training. 

The objective of these tips is to create a space and an opportunity for you to flourish. Navigate with curiosity and explore new horizons. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you discover about yourself along the way.

Career Acceleration With Mentoria’s Guidance

The objective of these tips is to create a space and an opportunity for you to flourish. Navigate with curiosity and explore new horizons. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you discover about yourself along the way.

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