Why You Should Consider A Career In Wildlife Conservation

Reyaa Agarwal

Last Updated: July 29, 2024
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There are several people who work in wildlife just so that they can avoid working with people. If you’re one of those, this blog is for you! You can get paid just to be near wildlife and help animals at the same time. If you’re passionate about the great outdoors and eager to make a difference in conservation, a career in wildlife might just be your calling. Wildlife professionals play a crucial role in preserving our planet’s biodiversity while enjoying adventurous and fulfilling careers. Here’s why the wild world of wildlife could be the best career decision for you.

The Great Outdoors Is Your Office

Getting to play outside on a regular basis

Getting to play outside on a regular basis is one of the biggest pros for sure. It’s an element to this line of work that attracts new conservationists who cannot bear the thought of a 9-5 office job. Having such a unique office can lead to rich experiences because being out and about in nature means that two days are never the same. When you’re out in the field, your focus will always be on your main subject of research, but you can’t help feeling thrilled when you encounter other wildlife going about their business. You can gaze up at some crossbills having their lunch as the spring sunlight shines on your face. Moments like these will make you question why you’d ever do anything else in your career.

The Thrill Of Growth Prospects

You can trek through dense jungles, track elusive big cats, or monitor sea turtle nests on remote beaches—wildlife careers are an adrenaline junkie’s dream come true! Whether you’re a biologist, conservationist, or wildlife photographer, every day brings new challenges and exhilarating experiences in the great outdoors.

According to recent studies, the demand for wildlife biologists and conservation scientists is projected to grow by 8% over the next decade, faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is driven by increased awareness of environmental issues and the need for sustainable practices in natural resource management.

Diving Into Wildlife Research And Discovery

Wildlife Research And Discovery

Wildlife careers aren’t just about observing animals from afar, they also greatly contribute to scientific breakthroughs. Researchers in the field of wildlife biology delve deep into animal behaviour, ecology, and genetics, shedding light on how ecosystems function and evolve over time.

For instance, a recent study published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution revealed groundbreaking insights into the migratory patterns of African elephants, crucial for their conservation and habitat protection efforts. Such discoveries not only inform conservation strategies but also inspire awe and wonder about the natural world.

Making A Real Impact On Conservation Efforts

If you’ve ever dreamed of saving endangered species or preserving delicate habitats, a career in wildlife conservation lets you turn those dreams into reality. Conservationists work tirelessly to protect biodiversity hotspots, rehabilitate injured wildlife, and educate communities about sustainable living practices.

In 2023, a report by the World Wildlife Fund highlighted that effective conservation efforts have successfully reversed the decline of several iconic species. It includes the giant panda and the humpback whale, demonstrating the tangible impact of dedicated conservation work on a global scale.

Career Diversity Beyond The Safari

Contrary to popular belief, wildlife careers aren’t limited to national parks and savannahs. There’s a vast array of career paths within the wildlife sector:

The wildlife sector offers diverse opportunities across research institutions, non-profit organisations, government agencies, and even private corporations committed to sustainable practices. This diversity ensures that every wildlife enthusiast can find their niche and make a meaningful impact.

The Wild Side Of Wildlife 

Working in wildlife conservation

Working in wildlife conservation isn’t without its challenges. Field biologists often endure rugged terrain, extreme weather conditions, and encounters with dangerous wildlife. Yet, the rewards far outweigh the hardships. Witnessing the birth of endangered species or seeing ecosystems flourish, thanks to your efforts, are moments that define a wildlife career.

A survey conducted by Conservation International (2024) revealed that 85% of wildlife professionals find their work highly rewarding, citing the opportunity to contribute to biodiversity conservation as the most fulfilling aspect of their careers.

What Courses Can You Pursue?

So, how do you get started with a career in wildlife? While a passion for nature is essential, acquiring the right education and skills is key to thriving in this field. A degree in wildlife biology, ecology, environmental science, or a related field provides a solid foundation. Hands-on experience through internships and fieldwork hones your observational skills and familiarity with research techniques. Here are a few courses you can explore

  • Forest and Woodland Management
  • Forest Ecosystem Management
  • Forest Resources Management
  • Wildlife Sciences
  • Forest products
  • Wood Science and Technology
  • Conservation Biology

Some Universities That Offer Forestry And Wildlife Related Programmes

In India:


Your Guide To Wildlife Career Success

wildlife conservation

Pursuing a career in wildlife offers not just a job, but a way of life filled with adventure, discovery, and meaningful impact. Whether you’re passionate about conservation, research, or education, the wildlife sector provides diverse opportunities to explore and protect our planet’s natural wonders. With dedication, education, and the right skills, you can embark on a rewarding journey where every day brings new challenges and opportunities to contribute to biodiversity conservation.

Mentoria is your trusted companion on the journey to a rewarding career in wildlife. Our platform can help connect aspiring wildlife professionals with career coaches who provide guidance, career advice, and real-world insights. With Mentoria, your passion for wildlife conservation meets practical career success, ensuring you make a lasting impact on the planet’s biodiversity while enjoying a a career you’ll absolutely fall in love with.