Career in Fintech : Exploring The Future Of A Promising Field

Anuja Shah

Last Updated: September 13, 2023
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Technology has paved a way deep into businesses and controls all its operations including finance. This has improvised and personalised offerings created new pathways for revenue generation. And the Fintech industry is one of them. Fintech is financial technology but the shift in its focus from operations to customer offerings is what has created career opportunities never imagined before. 

Fintech uses technologies including but not limited to artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, block chain and many more. Fintech progress in India is 87%, much higher than other countries. It is the third largest fintech ecosystem with 2100+ companies. With the rise in digital payments, business digitisation, embedded finance, cryptocurrency, innovation in distribution and product offerings, Fintech is here to stay for a long time. This makes it worthwhile to have a look at the career offerings.

Data Analysts

These are professionals who are qualified to collect, analyse and deduce conclusions and results from the data that is collected. Data analysts help to understand customer behaviour to figure out their needs and demands. They help fintech companies in taking advantage of the data such that they can make effective decisions to gain a competitive advantage over the others. 

Programmers and Coders

These professionals possess strong technical skills in terms of creating algorithms, design, programming languages, project management and maintaining software applications. Since fintech companies depend on the use of software technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning and more, the programmers and coders carry great value in the industry. Knowledge of block chain and cryptography are an added advantage. An eye for detail, creativity and analytical skills are a must for this role.


Cybersecurity Professionals

These professionals carry a great responsibility since their job is to protect the business from any kind of hacking, technical breaches or cyber-attacks. Keeping the websites, tech operations and data security updated is their job. They need to identify the risks associated with these from time to time, determine suitable protective measures and implement them. Yet, tech breaches happen at all times. Therefore, taking preventive measures post the attack, saving exposure of data to hackers and determining the extent of damage is also a part of their job.

Product Managers

Product managers are important in Fintech. Their job is to ensure that the product offered develops a connection with the customer and the technology associated supports its use. This serves to create new revenue streams by tapping customers. This job involves understanding the needs of the customers, determining product features and involves developing new products.

exploring fintech

UI/UX and Graphic Designers

The UI/UX and graphic designers play a crucial role in the fintech industry in terms of developing effective applications. Their job is to create designs such that they are user friendly and convenient. Keeping an effective flow of information and building a steady structure is an important element of their job. Their job is to focus not just on the look of the applications but also on their work mechanism.

Consultants and Advisors

There is huge scope in this category for various professionals who deal in taxation, legal, operations management, due diligence, risk management, governance and many more. These individuals or firms are problem solvers and focus on creating unique solutions fit for the business. Sometimes, they are involved in solving specific problems and sometimes on a long term basis. 

Fintech : Journey to a Bright Future with Mentoria

It can be said that those with strong technical skills, knowledge of finance and financial products, soft skills and a will to think out of the box are suitable for this domain. It is a niche as well as an exciting sector providing unique employment opportunities. With the growing advent of technology and the change in the needs and requirements of the consumer, this industry will grow exponentially by 2030. The growth of the fintech industry is guided by the demand for digital products, supply of technically skilled individuals, governments initiatives to financial inclusion and more. According to the World Bank, fintech is changing the global financial landscape creating opportunities never thought before.  This industry will disrupt the traditional services and create new pathways requiring skills for innovation and decision making. The scope of this industry is ever evolving with the evolution of technology. 

Fintech is definitely an upcoming industry to look for. However, be assured, you guys are not alone. Mentoria is your confidante. We are happy to help and are ready to provide guidance at every step. Our team of proficient career counsellors are there to support you and provide all the guidance that you need to navigate to a bright future in fintech. Feel free to get in touch with us and we are more than happy to help. 

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