Best Alternative Pathways For Business Analysts

Komal Sharma

Last Updated: May 22, 2024
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Business Analysts are currently in high demand all over the world. The need for professionals who can handle data and extract valuable insights has surged due to the emergence of big data and machine learning. The best part? You don’t need to stick to a conventional degree or qualification to become one.

Business Analysts cover a wide range of professions, each with its own set of skills and qualifications. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in this field, there are numerous paths you can take. From financial analysts to computer system analytics, there are plenty of options available. So let’s explore some diverse career choices within business analytics. We’ll delve into their responsibilities, the skills required, and the salaries you can expect. 

Financial Analyst

A woman sitting on a bed with a laptop and cell phone.

Financial analysts are essential in conducting various research tasks to guide investment strategies and decisions. They analyse financial data, keep up with market trends, review financial statements, and create financial models to predict future performance. Analysts may focus on macroeconomic trends or specialise in specific sectors and industries. These roles require strong mathematical and analytical skills as they heavily rely on data. Financial analysts can find employment in a variety of organisations, such as investment banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, and government agencies.

What Do Financial Analysts Do?

  • Analyse Data: Financial analysts review financial data and market trends to help companies make informed decisions about investments, budgets, and strategies.
  • Create Reports: They prepare reports that summarise their findings, which can include recommendations on stocks, bonds, or other investments.
  • Monitor Performance: Financial analysts track the performance of investments to assess their impact on the company’s financial health.
  • Forecast Trends: They use their analysis to predict future trends in the financial markets and recommend actions to capitalise on these trends.
  • Provide Recommendations: Based on their analysis, financial analysts provide recommendations to clients or company management on investment strategies or financial decisions.

Why This Career Is Suitable For Business Analysts 

Finance analyst roles are a great match for business analysts due to the overlap in skills and knowledge. Business analysts are adept at data analysis, trend identification, and providing recommendations, all of which are essential in finance for analysing financial data, grasping market trends, and suggesting investment strategies. Moreover, business analysts excel in interpreting intricate information and conveying it clearly, a skill crucial in finance for delivering financial reports and recommendations to stakeholders. In summary, transitioning to a finance analyst position is a seamless move for business analysts seeking to utilise their expertise in a new domain.

Skills Required 

  • Financial Analysis: This skill involves looking at financial data, like budgets and income statements, to understand how a business is doing and predict future performance. Financial analysts use this information to help companies make smart financial decisions.
  • Quantitative Skills: This means being good at maths and using numbers to analyse financial data. Financial analysts use statistics and mathematical models to find patterns and make predictions about a company’s finances.
  • Critical Thinking: Financial analysts need to be able to think carefully and logically about financial problems. They use critical thinking to analyse information, make decisions, and solve complex financial issues.
  • Communication Skills: This is about being able to explain complex financial information clearly and understandably. Financial analysts often need to present their findings to company executives or clients, so good communication skills are essential.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Financial analysts need to be able to identify problems, come up with creative solutions, and implement them effectively. They use problem-solving skills to address financial issues and improve a company’s financial performance.

Salary In India 

Financial Analyst salary in India ranges between ₹2.0 Lakhs to ₹12.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹5.9 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 47.6k latest salaries received from Financial Analysts.

Market Research Analyst

A person typing on a laptop with a graph on the screen, illustrating data analysis and productivity.

Market research analysts are essential in helping brands and businesses discover what products and services are in demand, identify their ideal customers, and understand how much customers are willing to pay. They use marketing data, analytics, and statistical tools to provide valuable insights that help organisations improve their marketing strategies, boost sales techniques, and achieve better results. Moreover, market research analysts can predict the success of products, monitor sales trends, and evaluate the impact of past marketing efforts.

What Do Market Research Analysts Do?

  • Spotting Opportunities: Market research analysts spot new market opportunities by studying consumer needs, trends, and competitor tactics.
  • Dividing Markets: They divide markets based on demographics, behaviour, or other criteria to assist companies in targeting their products or services more efficiently.
  • Product Testing: Market research analysts might carry out surveys or focus groups to test new products or ideas before launch to assess consumer interest and collect feedback for enhancements.
  • Tracking Marketing Campaigns: They track and evaluate the success of marketing campaigns to see if they’re connecting with the right audience and meeting the set objectives.
  • Guiding on Pricing Strategies: Market research analysts offer advice on pricing strategies by examining consumer perceptions, competitor pricing, and market demand to help companies establish prices that optimise profits.

Why This Career Is Suitable For Business Analysts 

Business analysts and market research analysts share many skills and responsibilities, making a career as a market research analyst a great fit for business analysts. Both roles involve collecting and analysing data to understand market trends, consumer behaviour, and competition. Market research analysts also use data to guide business decisions, such as developing products, creating marketing strategies, and expanding into new markets. The proficiency of business analysts in data analysis, market segmentation, and identifying business opportunities aligns perfectly with the core functions of market research analysts. Additionally, effective communication skills are essential for both roles to convey findings and insights to stakeholders. Transitioning to a market research analyst role allows business analysts to utilise their existing skills and knowledge while exploring a specialised area within the field of business analysis.

Skills Required 

  • Data Analysis: Proficiency in examining extensive datasets to uncover meaningful insights and patterns, utilising statistical tools and software like Excel, SPSS, or R.
  • Research Methodology: Familiarity with various research techniques such as surveys, focus groups, and interviews to create and execute effective market research studies.
  • Critical Thinking: Aptitude for objectively evaluating information, recognising patterns, and drawing logical conclusions to provide valuable insights to stakeholders.
  • Communication Skills: Excellent ability to express ideas and suggestions clearly and effectively through both spoken and written communication, ensuring clients and management fully understand the findings and recommendations.
  • Attention to Detail: Skill in meticulously gathering, organising, and reviewing data to ensure accuracy and reliability in research findings.

Salary In India 

Market Research Analyst salary in India ranges between ₹1.5 Lakhs to ₹8.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹4.3 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 4.8k latest salaries received from Market Research Analysts.


A person standing and doing some market risk reasearch

Actuaries and strategic thinkers are highly skilled problem solvers who play a vital role in today’s ever-changing world. With their mathematical abilities, they can assess the likelihood and potential risks of future events, enabling them to accurately predict the financial consequences for businesses and clients. In this dynamic landscape, the expertise of actuaries and analysts is increasingly relied upon by businesses and governments. Their knowledge of risk management is essential in modelling and preparing for the future, guiding businesses through the rapid evolution of the global landscape.

What Does An Actuary Do?

  • Risk Evaluation: Actuaries utilise mathematics, statistics, and financial principles to analyse the financial impacts of risks. They evaluate the probability of occurrences like death, illness, accidents, or property damage.
  • Creating Insurance Plans: Using their risk assessments, actuaries assist in creating insurance policies, which involves determining the suitable premiums for policyholders.
  • Financial Planning: Actuaries create intricate financial models to aid companies in comprehending and managing risks associated with investments, retirement plans, and other financial instruments.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Actuaries make sure that insurance firms adhere to regulatory standards by assessing the financial stability of insurance schemes and suggesting necessary adjustments.
  • Strategic Consultation: Actuaries offer strategic guidance to businesses on risk management, optimising investment returns, and ensuring enduring financial security.

Why This Career Is Suitable For Business Analysts 

Actuaries and business analysts share similar skills and analytical thinking, making a career as an actuary a good fit for those in the business analysis field. Business analysts excel at data analysis, trend identification, and providing valuable recommendations for business decisions. Actuaries, on the other hand, utilise statistical models and financial theories to assess risks and uncertainties, especially within the insurance and financial sectors.

Business analysts’ ability to interpret complex data and communicate findings effectively is also crucial in actuarial work, as they often need to explain complex concepts to non-technical stakeholders. Additionally, both roles require strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail to make accurate projections and assess potential risks.

Overall, the transition to a career as an actuary is a natural fit for business analysts looking to apply their analytical skills in a specialised field that offers opportunities for professional growth and development.

Skills Required 

  • Analytical Skills: Actuaries use strong analytical skills to crunch numbers, evaluate risks, and come up with plans to handle them. They rely on maths and stats models to predict future events like insurance claims or pension fund obligations.
  • Mathematical Skills: Actuaries should be good at maths, especially calculus, probability, and statistics. They apply these skills to create models and formulas for risk assessment and financial forecasts.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Actuaries need to spot problems, weigh different solutions, and pick the best one. They use their problem-solving abilities to craft strategies that reduce risk and boost financial results.
  • Close Attention to Things: Actuaries have to be meticulous when analysing data and building models. Even a tiny mistake in calculations or analysis could lead to big consequences, so precision is key.
  • Effective Communication: Actuaries should be able to explain complex technical info simply. They often collaborate with non-technical folks like executives or clients, so good communication skills are a must.

Salary In India 

Actuarial salary in India ranges between ₹3.0 Lakhs to ₹12.9 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹7.4 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 780 latest salaries received from Actuarial Analysts.

Computer Systems Analyst 

A desk with a computer and a monitor, providing a workspace for productivity and digital tasks.

A computer systems analyst plays a vital role in assisting organisations in utilising their computer systems effectively. They assess the functionality of current systems, propose enhancements when necessary, troubleshoot any issues, and ensure security and efficiency.

Computer systems analysts collaborate with various departments within the organisation to comprehend their requirements and devise technological solutions to meet them. By utilising techniques such as data modelling and database design, they enhance and develop computer systems. Additionally, they collaborate with other IT experts to construct and uphold these systems.

In essence, computer systems analysts are instrumental in aiding organisations in leveraging technology to accomplish their objectives.

What Do Computer Systems Analysts Do?

  • Assessment: Computer systems analysts evaluate existing systems and procedures to pinpoint inefficiencies or areas that can be enhanced.
  • Development: They develop or modify computer systems to fulfil the requirements of the organisation, taking into account factors such as cost and compatibility.
  • Implementation: Analysts supervise the introduction of new systems or changes to existing systems, making sure they are completed within the allocated time and budget.
  • Validation: They carry out tests to ensure that new systems operate correctly and meet the specific needs of the organisation.
  • Assistance and Training: Analysts offer technical support and training to users, assisting them in adapting to and effectively utilising the new systems.

Why This Career Is Suitable For Business Analysts 

Business analysts make excellent computer systems analysts due to their strong analytical skills and knowledge of business processes. They are already skilled in analysing data, identifying business requirements, and devising efficient solutions. These abilities seamlessly translate into the role of a computer systems analyst. Professionals in both roles need to understand the goals and processes of the organisation to develop and execute effective systems. Business analysts are skilled at pinpointing areas for enhancement within a company, making them essential for assessing and revamping computer systems.

Moreover, business analysts excel at conveying technical details to individuals who may not have a technical background, which is a vital skill for computer systems analysts. These analysts frequently find themselves in the position of having to elucidate intricate ideas to business executives. The capacity to bridge the divide between technical and non-technical teams is crucial in guaranteeing that computer systems are in line with the strategic goals of the organisation. In general, transitioning to a career as a computer systems analyst is a seamless transition for business analysts who desire to utilise their abilities in a technical capacity that presents chances for creativity and resolving problems.

Skills Required 

  • Technical Proficiency: Computer system analysts must have a strong technical background, including proficiency in programming languages such as Java, C++, or Python, and knowledge of database management systems like MySQL or Oracle. They should also be familiar with network protocols and configurations to effectively analyse and design computer systems.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Computer system analysts need to have strong problem-solving skills to quickly pinpoint and resolve technical issues. It’s important for them to come up with creative solutions to enhance system efficiency and tackle challenging problems to find the best solutions for the organisation.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Computer system analysts need strong communication skills to collaborate effectively with team members and understand and address user needs and concerns. They should also be able to work well under pressure and manage multiple tasks simultaneously to ensure the smooth operation of computer systems.
  • Analytical Thinking: Analytical skills are essential for computer system analysts to evaluate system requirements and design effective solutions. They should be able to analyse data and trends to make informed decisions about system improvements and identify patterns and potential issues within complex systems.
  • Project Management Abilities: Computer system analysts should have project management skills to manage project timelines and resources effectively. They should be able to coordinate with various stakeholders to ensure project success and prioritise tasks to make strategic decisions that align with project goals.

Salary In India 

Computer System Analyst salary in India ranges between ₹3.0 Lakhs to ₹19.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹10.1 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 21.3k latest salaries received from System Analysts.

Postsecondary Business Teacher

A man presenting to a group of people, engaging them with his informative and captivating speech.

Postsecondary educators, also referred to as faculty or professors, play a crucial role in educating students beyond high school in various academic and career-oriented subjects. They include university and college professors, instructors in technical and career education, as well as graduate teaching assistants. These educators are associated with specialised departments within universities and colleges, which concentrate on specific degree fields like music, business, science, and history. They have the privilege of teaching multiple courses within their respective departments. For instance, a mathematics-focused postsecondary educator might teach both statistics and calculus.

What Do Post Secondary Business Teachers Do?

  • Teaching: They prepare and deliver lectures and other instructional materials on business-related subjects such as accounting, finance, marketing, management, and entrepreneurship.
  • Research: Business teachers conduct research in their field of expertise, publish academic papers, and present their findings at conferences.
  • Advising: They advise students on academic and career matters, helping them choose courses, plan their academic path, and explore career options in the business field.
  • Curriculum Development: Business teachers develop and update course materials and curricula to ensure they are relevant and up-to-date with current industry practices and trends.
  • Professional Development: They engage in professional development activities to stay current with advancements in their field and improve their teaching skills.

Why This Career Is Suitable For Business Analysts 

A postsecondary business teaching career is suitable for former business analysts as it enables them to share their knowledge and skills while staying abreast of industry trends. With their expertise in data analysis and informed decision-making, business analysts can make theoretical concepts more practical and relatable to students. They can also leverage their industry experience to organise guest lectures, field trips, and networking opportunities, enriching students’ learning experiences. Teaching provides a platform for business analysts to remain updated with the latest developments in the field and gain fresh perspectives from students and colleagues, fostering their continuous professional growth. Overall, transitioning to a postsecondary business teaching role allows former business analysts to inspire future professionals and contribute to the field’s advancement.

Skills Required 

  • Subject Matter Expertise: Post-secondary business teachers need a deep understanding of business concepts, theories, and practices relevant to their field of expertise. They should stay updated with current trends and developments in the business world to provide students with relevant and accurate information.
  • Teaching and Communication Skills: Effective communication skills are essential for business teachers to convey complex concepts understandably. They should also have strong presentation skills to engage students and facilitate learning through lectures, discussions, and other teaching methods.
  • Curriculum Development: Business teachers should be able to develop curriculum and course materials that align with educational standards and meet the needs of students. This includes creating lesson plans, assignments, and assessments that help students achieve learning outcomes.
  • Student Engagement and Support: Teachers should be able to engage students in the learning process and provide support and guidance as needed. They should be approachable and responsive to student questions and concerns, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.
  • Research and Scholarship: Engagement in research and scholarly activities is important for business teachers to stay current in their field and contribute to knowledge advancement. This includes conducting research, publishing papers, and participating in conferences and professional development activities.
  • Professionalism and Ethics: Teachers should demonstrate professionalism and ethical behaviour in their interactions with students, colleagues, and the broader community. They should adhere to ethical standards and promote integrity and accountability in their teaching and research practices.

Salary In India 

Post-secondary Business Teacher salary in India with less than 3 years of experience to 11 years ranges from ₹2.0 Lakhs to ₹10.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹6.0 Lakhs based on 9 latest salaries.

Explore Pathways With Mentoria

Business Analysts have a wide range of opportunities to discover, whether they prefer stability or are always looking for something new. Embracing unique career paths can be fulfilling, but sticking with being a business analyst is also a great choice.

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