5 Books To Maximise Your EQ

Malaika M Khan

Last Updated: September 5, 2023
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Day and night, the human mind is always buzzing with ideas. Some of them, over which we have no control, have a big impact on our emotions and, more crucially, our mood and attitude. So, when you find yourself feeling a little too sensitive or emotionally vulnerable, turn to your lifelong closest friends, some fascinating books for some linguistic hugs

The books on this list might be helpful from a personal development perspective if you want to build your emotional intelligence. You’ll grow more self-aware and become better at controlling your own emotions. But we must tell you – all of these books hold key takeaways that will make a lasting impact in your life.

You will get a hang of different approaches from these books that will help you in every aspect of everyday life, from better stress management to enhanced interpersonal connections and communication.

maximise your EQ

Below are five books you really must read if you want to improve your EQ. Have a look:

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, by Daniel Goleman

Anyone interested in this topic should start with the book that is credited with popularising the ideas of emotional intelligence. Goleman does an excellent job of giving some intriguing illustrations of the many contexts in which EQ might be used. Although it isn’t strictly a reference book, it offers some excellent starting points for more research.

The cognitive and emotional halves of our minds are described by Goleman. They collaborate to help us create our life story. He discusses the five components of emotional intelligence and how we might improve our EQ to live happier lives. He further illustrates his points using anecdotes and case studies from psychology and neuroscience.

Go Suck a Lemon: Strategies for Improving Your Emotional Intelligence, by Michael Cornwall

This book, which sits at the junction of psychology and self-help, offers practical strategies for EQ improvement in addition to theories and definitions. This is your comprehensive guide to raising your emotional intelligence, including cognitive strategies, skills, and exercises.

Although not everyone may enjoy Cornwall’s particular writing style, many value his open-minded attitude. Each of the many tactics in the book examines a different aspect of emotional functioning. Examples of therapist/client interactions are used to dig into the subject matter, give the examples some context, and ground the tactics.

Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis

Emotional intelligence is a crucial component of successful business that is sometimes disregarded. This book delves further into that topic, focusing on the part that leadership’s emotional intelligence plays. The usual characteristics of an entrepreneur, such as vision, strategy, and market understanding, are not present in this book. Instead, it emphasises teamwork, intuitive knowledge, and relationship management. This is the second book by Daniel Goleman, the father of emotional intelligence, to appear on this list. It’s really different from the first, though, yet just as informative.

Few books cover emotional intelligence and leadership with such specificity. It is worth the cover price to read the explanation of mood contagion and its significance in effective leadership.

How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

This book, which has sold over 15 million copies, provides timeless guidance for thriving in both professional and interpersonal relationships. It provides nine stages to get people to behave the way you want them to and six steps to get them to like you. The capacity for communication and expression is a crucial component of emotional intelligence. This is a classic self-help meets success book from more than 80 years ago, similar to Think and Grow Rich. You’ve found the ideal spot if you’re seeking motivation and ideas for using your influence, creativity, and ideas. You’ve hit the jackpot if you’re interested in developing connections and know how to do it properly.

Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Leader, by Christopher D. Connors

You may learn the basics and academic side of emotional intelligence from Daniel Goleman’s book. You get the knowledge and techniques to apply EQ to your advantage in Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Leader. You may learn about emotional intelligence and how to apply it with the aid of the activities, tests, and tools in this book.

The background for the applications of emotional intelligence in business and life is provided through examples of leaders who are well-known as well as some lesser-known individuals. You may utilise several of the text’s personal development tools to help you better understand yourself.

improve your EQ

Maximise Your EQ With Mentoria

The difficulties of recent years have forced many leaders to reevaluate their emotional intelligence (EQ) capabilities. It’s a field worth focusing on, especially for individuals looking to progress their careers by demonstrating attributes other than technical proficiency. If you like this article and feel like some human-to-human advice could go the long way, then Mentoria is just a click away. Book a session with us, and let’s explore your EQ. Don’t wait, let’s talk!