10 Games To Make Your Kids Love Numbers

Malaika M Khan

Last Updated: September 12, 2023
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Games for kids

Calling all parents, teachers, and maths enthusiasts! Are you ready to turn the dreaded numbers into a playground of fun and learning for your kids? Don’t worry; we promise no complex equations or long division lectures here—just pure gaming excitement! Mathematics, often considered as thrilling as watching paint dry or grass grow, is about to get a major upgrade with these ten delightfully entertaining and educational games. Say goodbye to yawns and grumpy faces during maths class, and hello to laughter, high-fives, and a bunch of little Einsteins in the making. Maths can be a lot of fun, especially when you’re playing games. In fact, there are a number of fun and educational games that can help kids learn maths concepts in a fun and engaging way.

Math Wizards Unite: Games To Spark Kids’ Love For Numbers

Games for kids

Candy Land

Candy Land, a delightful and colourful board game, is an enchanting way for kids to learn about addition and subtraction. As they move their game pieces along the candy-themed path, players practise basic maths skills by counting the spaces they advance. The excitement of rolling the die to collect different coloured candies enhances their engagement in the learning process. The game’s simplicity allows even young children to participate, building their confidence in mathematical concepts. Plus, the friendly competition among players adds an element of fun and motivation to reach the end of the board. Candy Land creates a sweet and memorable learning experience where kids can develop their maths skills while enjoying a whimsical journey through a candy-filled wonderland.

Chutes And Ladders

Chutes and Ladders, a classic and time-tested board game, introduces kids to counting and probability in a thrilling way. As players roll the die and move their pieces along the board, they encounter chutes that send them downward and ladders that lift them higher. The unpredictability of the game, with the possibility of climbing up or sliding down, adds an element of chance that keeps kids engaged. Through this game, kids learn to count spaces, practise basic arithmetic, and develop an understanding of chance and probability. Chutes and Ladders is a fantastic opportunity for kids to have fun while building their foundational maths skills and learning to navigate the ups and downs of the game with a smile.


The game Operation is a delightful and quirky way for kids to explore the concept of fractions. Players take turns using tweezers to carefully remove plastic pieces from the “patient” without triggering the buzzer. Each piece represents a different “ailment,” and players must remove them without touching the sides of the holes, thus requiring precise hand-eye coordination. As kids select and remove pieces, they can allocate fractions based on the number of successfully removed ailments. The game fosters an intuitive understanding of fractions as kids make decisions on how to divide the whole “patient” into smaller, manageable parts. Operation offers a “hands-on” learning experience where kids become “surgeons” and hone their fraction skills while giggling at the buzzing fun.

Connect Four

Connect Four is a captivating and strategic game that teaches kids about pattern recognition and critical thinking. Players take turns dropping coloured game pieces into a vertical grid, aiming to form a line of four of their pieces in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. As kids plan their moves, they develop essential problem-solving skills and learn to anticipate their opponent’s strategies. Connect Four encourages kids to think ahead, consider multiple possibilities, and adapt their tactics on the fly. The game’s dynamic and interactive nature fosters friendly competition, making it an enjoyable learning experience that keeps kids engaged and eager to master the art of strategic thinking.


Mancala, an ancient African game, offers a captivating way for kids to practise addition and subtraction. Players take turns moving seeds from one pit to another, collecting seeds from different pits as they progress. The game’s mechanics involve counting and redistributing seeds, providing a hands-on approach to basic maths operations. Kids can grasp mathematical concepts intuitively as they engage in this fun and cultural game. Mancala promotes critical thinking and strategic planning, as players aim to collect the most seeds in their store at the end of the game. It’s an excellent opportunity for kids to explore maths concepts in a playful and culturally rich environment, appreciating the beauty of maths through an ancient pastime.

Simon Says

Simon Says, a classic and timeless game, offers a playful way for kids to develop their listening and following directions skills. In this interactive game, one player takes on the role of “Simon” and gives instructions that begin with “Simon says.” The other players must only follow the instructions when preceded by this phrase. The game encourages active listening, attentiveness, and quick reflexes as kids react to the commands promptly. Simon Says fosters concentration and self-control as kids pay close attention to avoid following instructions without the proper cue. The playful and friendly atmosphere of the game adds an element of joy, making it a delightful way for kids to enhance their listening skills while laughing and having fun with friends.

20 Questions

20 Questions is an enthralling and thought-provoking game that hones kids’ logic and reasoning abilities. One player secretly thinks of an object, and the other players take turns asking up to 20 yes or no questions to guess the object. As kids craft their questions strategically, they refine their deductive skills and learn to make informed guesses based on the information gathered. The game nurtures critical thinking and analytical abilities as players narrow down the possibilities with each question asked. 20 Questions encourages a playful and collaborative approach to problem-solving, making it an engaging and mentally stimulating activity that sparks curiosity and creativity.

I Spy

I Spy is a wonderful game that hones kids’ observation and communication skills. One player chooses an object within the room and provides a descriptive clue without revealing the identity of the item. Other players take turns guessing the object based on the given clues. As kids practise observation, they also learn to articulate their observations effectively to convey the chosen object’s characteristics. The game fosters teamwork and communication as players work together to guess the object accurately. I Spy transforms the environment into an interactive and educational playground, where kids develop their ability to observe details while having a blast with friends and family.


Hide-and-Seek, a classic game cherished by kids worldwide, offers an enjoyable way to develop spatial awareness and strategic thinking. In this game, one player, designated as “it,” closes their eyes while the other players hide. The “it” player must then find and tag the hidden players. As kids search for hiding spots and avoid detection, they enhance their spatial reasoning and critical thinking skills. Hide-and-Seek promotes cooperation and teamwork as players collaborate to find secret hiding places together. The game’s dynamic and interactive nature keeps kids actively engaged, making it an excellent opportunity to develop spatial awareness while sharing laughter and excitement with friends.


Tag, a timeless and energetic game, is a fantastic way for kids to get exercise and learn about cooperation and teamwork. In this game, players take turns being “it” and must chase and tag the other players. The first player tagged becomes the next “it.” Tag encourages physical activity and healthy competition, while also fostering social skills as kids interact and cooperate during the game. The joy of running and playing outdoors promotes a healthy lifestyle and teaches kids about the value of teamwork and fairness. Tag is a timeless classic that brings together active play and valuable life lessons, creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for kids of all ages.

Play, Learn, Excel With Mentoria 

Games for kids

And there you have it, 10 fun and educational games that will make maths learning an absolute blast for kids! But remember, games are just one piece of the puzzle. For comprehensive and personalised maths learning, consider exploring Mentoria’s innovative educational solutions. Our team of experts and cutting-edge technology create a supportive environment for kids to excel in maths and other subjects. With Mentoria, your child will gain the confidence and skills needed to conquer any maths challenge. So, let the games begin and watch your kids become maths whizzes in no time. Learning has never been this fun!