8 Effective Ways To Boost Parental Wellbeing In The Workplace

Reyaa Agarwal

Last Updated: August 10, 2024
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Managing work and family life can be challenging. It’s a delicate act that requires constant adjustment and a lot of patience. However, with the right support from their employers, working parents can transform this precarious balancing act into a more manageable, and even enjoyable experience. Let’s look at eight fun and effective ways companies can enhance parental wellbeing in the workplace, ensuring parents thrive both at home and in their careers.

Here Are Some Effective Ways To Boost Parental Wellbeing

Flexible Working Hours

Gone are the days of the rigid 9-to-5. Flexible working hours are a game-changer for parents. Think about being able to drop your kids off at school, attend their sports day, or manage doctor’s appointments without the stress of clashing work schedules. Flexible hours mean parents can tailor their workday around their family’s needs, reducing stress and boosting productivity.


  • Customised Schedules: Allow employees to choose their start and end times.
  • Compressed Work Weeks: Offer options for longer hours over fewer days.
  • Part-time Options: Enable reduced hours for parents who need more home time.

A 2023 study by the Indian Journal of Occupational Health found that companies offering flexible hours saw a 25% increase in employee satisfaction. Happy parents mean happy employees, and that’s a win-win for everyone.

Remote Work Opportunities

Thanks to the digital revolution, remote work is now more feasible than ever. Working from home can be a lifesaver for parents, cutting out commute time and providing a more comfortable, stress-free environment.


  • Regular Remote Days: Allow parents to work from home a few days a week.
  • Full Remote Roles: Offer fully remote positions for roles that don’t require a physical presence.
  • Hybrid Models: Combine in-office and remote work to provide flexibility.

Infosys, one of India’s leading tech companies, reported a 20% increase in productivity among remote-working parents in 2023. This shows that remote work doesn’t just benefit employees but also boosts the company’s bottom line.

On-Site Childcare Facilities

On-Site Childcare Facilities

One of the biggest stressors for working parents is finding reliable childcare. On-site childcare facilities take this worry off their shoulders, ensuring their little ones are safe and nearby.


  • Quality Care: Ensure facilities meet high standards for safety and education.
  • Convenient Hours: Match childcare hours with work schedules.
  • Subsidised Costs: Offer financial assistance to make child care affordable.

A report by the Indian Journal of Child Health in 2024 highlighted that companies with on-site childcare saw a 30% reduction in employee absenteeism. Parents are less likely to miss work when they know their kids are well cared for.

Parental Leave Policies

Generous parental leave policies show that a company values family life. Both mothers and fathers should have the opportunity to spend time with their newborns without worrying about job security or financial strain.


  • Paid Leave: Offer paid parental leave for both parents.
  • Extended Leave: Provide options for extended leave periods.
  • Flexible Return: Allow a gradual return to work after leave.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) enhanced its parental leave policy in 2023, resulting in a 15% improvement in employee retention rates among new parents. This demonstrates the positive impact of supportive leave policies on staff loyalty and satisfaction.

Supportive Work Culture

A supportive work culture is essential for parental well being. Creating an environment where parents feel understood and valued can significantly reduce stress and increase job satisfaction.


  • Peer Support Groups: Establish groups for parents to share experiences and advice.
  • Mentorship programmes: Pair new parents with experienced colleagues.
  • Open Communication: Encourage discussions about work-life balance needs.

Hindustan Unilever introduced a Foster and Kinship Caregiver Leave Policy in 2024, which included peer support groups and mentorship. This initiative led to a 20% increase in employee engagement scores, highlighting the importance of a supportive culture.

Health and Wellness Programmes

Health and wellness programmes that cater to parents can help them manage the physical and mental demands of balancing work and family life. From fitness classes to mental health resources, these programmes can make a big difference. Investing in wellness programmes can lead to healthier, happier, and more productive employees.


  • Fitness Classes: Offer on-site or virtual fitness classes.
  • Mental Health Resources: Provide access to counselling and stress management programmes.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Offer workshops on healthy eating for busy families.

Financial Support And Benefits

Financial stress is a common challenge for parents. Offering financial support and benefits can alleviate some of this pressure and help parents manage their family finances more effectively. Financial support can significantly enhance the wellbeing of working parents.


  • Childcare Vouchers: Provide vouchers or subsidies for childcare expenses.
  • Education Assistance: Offer scholarships or grants for employees’ children.
  • Flexible Spending Accounts: Allow pre-tax savings for childcare and education costs.

Career Development Opportunities

Supporting parents’ career development shows that a company values their long-term growth, not just their current job performance. Providing opportunities for advancement can keep parents motivated and engaged.


  • Training programmes: Offer flexible training and development programmes.
  • Promotion Pathways: Ensure clear pathways for career advancement.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Provide mentorship to help parents balance career and family goals.

Wipro’s Maternity Benefit Programme for parents, resulted in an increase in promotions among working parents. This initiative demonstrates that supporting parents’ professional growth benefits both the employees and the company.

Prioritising Parental Well Being

Creating a supportive work environment for parents is a smart business strategy. Companies that invest in parental well being see higher employee satisfaction, reduced turnover, and increased productivity. By implementing these eight strategies, organisations can help parents thrive both at work and home.

Mentoria is your partner in navigating the complexities of work and parenthood for your employees. We offer personalised career guidance and support for professional growth. Let’s create a workplace where parents feel valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their best—both professionally and personally.